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Guest Blog Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in contributing to Hookle’s blog. By partnering together, we want to showcase your thought leadership while promoting your brand as a trusted resource in your space.


Our blog is primarily a helpful resource for new and existing Hookle users. It also serves a greater purpose, to help entrepreneurs and small business owners globally succeed in their social media marketing. 

Hookle is specifically designed for busy entrepreneurs but we also have a bunch of social media agencies, professionals, freelancers, store owners and celebrities in our user base - from a variety of industries. We want them to think of Hookle (and any guest posters) as their #1 choice for social media marketing tools.


We only accept guest posts from qualified people with interesting points of view and experience related to our space. We want our content to engage and educate readers while building trust and authority in our space. So, if you have expertise and experience in the B2B social media marketing and entrepreneur/small businesses world, we’d love to chat about collaborating.

We share our expertise in a way that is easy for anyone to understand. We’ll always choose simplicity over complication and see no reason why educational content can’t be fun.


Here are some guidelines and recommendations for each piece of content that you submit.

Key Guidelines

Yes to these


  • Social media marketing

  • Marketing tips, guides, and advice for entrepreneurs related to social media

  • How-to guides and strategies

  • Case studies


No to these


  • Any topics we’ve previously covered

  • We do not accept duplicate or syndicated content as guest posts. If your post has appeared anywhere else on the web, we can’t publish it on our blog

  • Obvious product placements and unnecessary links

  • Any topic where social media (or related) isn’t the hero

List of Desired Blog Post Topics

In general, posts we accept for guests are targeted to small business owners in mind and fall under the following themes:

  • Social media marketing

  • Content marketing

  • Social media automation

  • Startup growth strategies

  • Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn marketing best practices

  • Social media marketing for certain vertical (e.g. restaurants, see also success stories)

While thinking what to write about, ask yourself questions like:

  • Will this topic be relevant to the Hookle audience?

  • Will this post offer solutions (that don’t require the purchase of my product)?

  • Am I qualified to write about this topic?

  • What insight can I bring to this topic that nobody else can?

How to Pitch a Guest Post to Hookle

Send an email with the subject line “Guest post submission” to contact[at] Ensure it includes:


  • At least three blog title suggestions

  • A brief summary (1 paragraph) of what your post will cover (including estimated word count, recommendation 1000-1500+)

  • Writing samples are a bonus (preferably links to your published work)

  • An outline of your plan to promote the guest post (newsletter, social channels, ads, etc)

  • A short author bio (1 paragraph) including social media handles

  • We will contact you if your guest post is selected within 2 months

After your guest post has been approved

Congrats! We’re excited to see what you come up with. We will provide a deadline and other details to you in personal email communications.


To get you started, we’ve included our guest post guidelines.


All guest blog posts are submitted as an editable Google doc.


All images should be submitted in a JPG/JPEG format, clearly named according to the topic.

General Writing Tips

Aside from the obvious spelling and grammar checks, see our writing tips below.

Be positive

Negativity doesn’t inspire. Even when writing about challenges, it’s important to draw focus to solutions. 

Use contractions 

Online users have tiny attention spans, so shorten writing where possible. Why use “they are” when you could use “they’re”? 

Don’t repeat yourself

Repetitive writing isn’t fun to read. If your messages are strong enough, you shouldn’t need to state them twice. Exceptions are quotes that we use in our blog.

Don’t use unnecessary marks such as exclamation point etc

Use these sparingly to avoid! Sounding! Like! This! Or?? This??

Let good writing shine

Often short and clear sentences work the best.Use short chapters and get to the point.

External links

Whenever you use a statistic or make a statement that needs backing up, please hyperlink it to your credible source. Avoid creating too many links, and only one link from your site is accepted. Feel free to add links to some of our blogs and support articles from your article whenever appropriate.


Do not link to a competitor e.g. another social media marketing/scheduler/management tool.


Please use images and videos as visuals or examples in your blog post. 


All visuals should be of a high quality (at least 600 x 600 pixels). Images should be cropped to a 16:9 aspect ratio. ‘


When not using your own images or graphics, please source from stock image providers. There are great free services e.g. Unsplash or Pexels.


Videos can be sourced from YouTube. Please provide the embed link in your blog post.


Our blog generally follows a modular format of short paragraphs separated by headings, and including subheadings, bullets, numbered lists, and any other visual elements to increase the readability of your piece.


Please make it clear what elements of your guest post are headings by bolding the text. 


NOTE: Hookle reserves full editorial control and may edit submissions as we see fit. These edits include anything from removing too much self-promotion, to optimizing for SEO, edits both small and large, and more.

Recent Hookle Blogs

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Success stories


"Hookle is just a big time saver for me" - Anton Sutinen, Ice Cream kiosk owner


"With Hookle I can reach customers more efficiently, every day!" - Louise Murchie


Hookle is super convenient for posting to multiple channels at once!"  - Mikko and Anne Silmala

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