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Introducing Powerful Social Media Planner for small businesses

Wed Aug 05 2020 06:30:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Hookle is strengthening its offering by introducing a super beneficial social media planner for small businesses. Starting from today, planner helps small businesses to accomplish essential social media tasks quickly, efficiently and on-the-go. 

Planner helps user to implement her social media strategy in a systematic and an organized way. User don't need to worry about to build the social media strategy either since through the guidance and tips Hookle will help with that too. 

Planner includes an monthly calendar, scheduled content view and a content drafting area, all in one screen. 

Monthly calendar shows the overall picture of user's posts, including both published and scheduled content, giving user the insight of her social media presence in a period, at a glance. Through calendar user can also publish or schedule content easily just in a click. All scheduled posts are accessible from the scheduled content view and easily editable or to be rescheduled if needed. And when you have time, you can finish your drafts that you created on-the-go, all this in Planner view.

Planner features:

  • Manage systematically social media strategy implementation

  • Shows overall picture and all of your content at a glance in a monthly view

  • Plan all the publishing for the month easily

  • Schedule content for any day of the month in a click

  • Drafting content centralized in one place

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"A great app, easy to use"​


Catherine R.

I schedule posts for all my social media accounts on a daily basis. Saves lots of time. The AI produces excellent content for posts, and I love the comprehensive stats.

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