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10 Essential Social Media Safety and Security Tips for Small Business Owners 2024


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In the fast-evolving digital world, social media offers small businesses a powerful platform to engage customers, build brand awareness, and drive sales. Unfortunately, with these opportunities come some risks too. Cybersecurity threats are growing, and small businesses are often the target.

In fact, 43% of cyberattacks target small businesses, yet only 14% are prepared to defend themselves, according to Embroker. This statistic underscores the urgent need for vigilance, especially when managing social media accounts. For more detailed guidance, check out the U.S. Government's Cyber Safety Tips for Small Business Owners, which offer practical advice to further secure your digital presence.

To help safeguard your business in 2024, here are a bunch of the most common social media safety and security tips, along with examples on how to implement them.

1. Use Strong, Unique Passwords


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Weak or reused passwords are easy targets for hackers. Make sure each of your social media accounts has a strong, unique password that is hard to guess. Additionally, many platforms, like Facebook, will notify you if your password has been found in a leak. In such cases, change your password immediately.

Use a password manager to create and store complex passwords

Key tip: Use a password manager like LastPass or 1Password to create and store complex passwords that include letters, numbers, capital letters and special characters. Avoid using predictable combinations like your business name followed by "123."

2. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)


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This is an easy and simple way to secure your accounts effectively. Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification (such as a code sent to your phone) in addition to your password.

Most platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (now X) offer 2FA options. Activate this feature by going to your account security settings and selecting 2FA through an authentication app, text message, or email.

3. Monitor Account Activity


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Regularly monitoring your social media accounts can help you quickly spot any suspicious behavior. Keep an eye out for unusual login attempts, unfamiliar locations, or unauthorized posts.

Most platforms now offer features that allow you to view devices that have accessed your account and notify you of abnormal activity. If you notice unfamiliar devices or locations, it's essential to change your password immediately and log out of all active sessions.

4. Educate Your Team About Security Best Practices


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Your team mates or employees can be both your strongest asset and a potential security vulnerability. Educating them on social media security protocols is crucial.

Conduct a short training session to ensure that everyone on your team knows how to identify phishing attempts, avoid clicking suspicious links, and create secure passwords. Encourage them to report any security issues immediately.

5. Limit Admin Access


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Not every employee needs full access to your social media accounts. Limiting admin privileges minimizes the risk of unauthorized changes or breaches.

On platforms like Facebook Business Manager or LinkedIn, assign roles like "editor" or "content creator" instead of "admin." This gives employees the necessary access without full control over sensitive account settings.

6. Regularly Update Software and Apps


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Outdated software is vulnerable to cyberattacks, as it may have security loopholes that hackers can exploit. Always keep your social media apps and any associated software updated.

Enable automatic updates on your mobile devices and computers to ensure you’re always running the latest version of apps and security patches. For example, Instagram frequently rolls out updates to fix bugs and improve security.

7. Do Not Accept or Click Anything Without Understanding


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Cybercriminals often target businesses through phishing attacks or malicious links disguised as legitimate requests. Clicking on an unfamiliar link or accepting a suspicious request can compromise your social media accounts or install harmful malware.

Always verify the sender and inspect any links before clicking

Key Tip: Always verify the sender and inspect any links before clicking. If in doubt, reach out directly to the company or person to confirm the request. Train your team to recognize phishing attempts and avoid impulsive clicks.

Being cautious and double-checking suspicious requests can save your business from potential data breaches or account takeovers. Stay vigilant and never act without full understanding.

8. Beware of Social Media Scams and Phishing Attacks


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Social media platforms are common targets for scams and phishing attacks aimed at stealing your personal or business information. Hackers often disguise themselves as trusted contacts or brands to trick you into sharing sensitive data or clicking on malicious links.

Key Tip: Be cautious of unexpected messages or friend requests, especially those asking for sensitive information or containing suspicious links. Always verify the authenticity of the source and never share passwords or financial details over social media.

Staying alert and recognizing these tactics can protect your business from falling victim to social media scams.

9. Use a Social Media Management App

Managing multiple social media accounts while ensuring strong security can be overwhelming for small business owners. This is where a social media management app becomes invaluable. These tools not only help you schedule and monitor posts across platforms but also provide a centralized and secure environment for managing all your accounts.

For example, Hookle allows you to connect multiple social media platforms in one secure, encrypted space. With Hookle, security and safety are handled with the highest standards, as it has been vetted and approved by major platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Hookle undergoes annual security audits and multiple safety checks, ensuring that your data and social media activity remain protected.

Why Small Businesses Should Use a Social Media Management App:

  • Centralized Management: Social media management apps make it easy to monitor all your accounts from one dashboard, streamlining access and reducing the hassle of juggling multiple logins.

  • Enhanced Security: Reputable tools like Hookle come with advanced security features, including encrypted connections, two-factor authentication, and frequent updates to safeguard your accounts against evolving threats.

  • Automated Posting: Automation not only saves time but also minimizes the need for manually logging in, reducing the risk of human errors that could lead to security vulnerabilities.

10. Respond Quickly to Security Threats


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Time is critical when responding to a security breach. The longer you wait, the more damage can occur. Having a response plan in place ensures that you act swiftly and effectively.

Key tip: If you detect suspicious activity on your social media, immediately revoke access to your accounts, change your passwords, and notify your team. Platforms like Twitter and Facebook allow you to quickly deactivate your account if necessary.


In today’s cyberthreat landscape, protecting your business’s social media presence is more important than ever. By following above social media safety tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of a breach, protect your brand’s reputation, and maintain the trust of your customers.

Managing your social media doesn’t have to be stressful or risky. With the help of a reliable social media management app like Hookle, you can streamline your efforts, improve security, and focus on what matters most - growing your business.

But don't just take our word for it. Try out Hookle free today and take the next step toward a safer and more efficient social media strategy!


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