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10 Quick Tips to Get More Clients as a Freelancer


10 Tips You Can Use to Get More Clients as a Freelancer



Freelancing is becoming more and more popular, especially after the pandemic when remote working has suddenly become so popular.

If you're looking for tips on how to get more clients as a freelancer, you've come to a right place.

What is Freelancing

What is reelancing

Freelancing refers to people who are self-employed and work for various employers.

They work on their own terms and typically take on projects that they find interesting and challenging, without the need for a pre-existing company structure or hierarchy.

Why is Marketing Important for Freelancers

Why is Marketing Important for Freelancers

Freelancers are more likely to be working with limited resources and less support. As a result, they need to be more creative and resourceful to stand out.

Marketing helps freelancers build their personal brand, which they can use as a selling point when they're looking for new clients. It also helps them find new clients by networking and making connections in the industry.

What Are the Best Freelancing Sites

What Are the Best Freelancing Sites

Photo by Igor Miske on Unsplash

Many services are offering freelance work on the internet. Some of them are good for writing and some for other skill sets.

You might want to check out this list of freelance sites for more details, but Upwork and Fiverr are one of the best freelancing sites offering good freelance work in variety of fields.


Upwork is a website that connects freelancers and employers. It is the largest freelancing platform in the world, with over 15 million registered users.


  • It’s easy to use and has an intuitive interface.

  • An Upwork freelancer has a wide variety of jobs that they can choose from.

  • You can get paid faster through Payoneer or bank transfer.

  • You can negotiate your terms with clients.

  • The platform has an easy way to create invoices for clients.


  • The competition for jobs is high

  • The platform doesn't provide much support for its users.

  • There is little information on how to be successful in its marketplace.


Fiverr is an online marketplace where people can sell their services. It offers a wide range of services such as web design, video production, logo design, writing and more.


  • You can get access to a wide range of work from people all over the world.

  • You can pick your hours and schedule.

  • The service is available 24/7, so you'll never have to worry about being too busy for work.

  • If you're not sure what it is that you want to do or are looking for something new, there are many options on Fiverr.


  • You don't know who you are working with, and it's difficult to find out whether they have been reviewed or not.

  • It's hard to find out what kind of content people want, so it can be difficult to get paid for your work.

  • There is no guarantee that you will actually get paid for your work, and some people might take advantage of this fact and use it as a scam platform.

10 Practical Tips to Get More Clients as a Freelancer


1. Understand your expertise

Tips to Get More Clients as a Freelancer - Understand your expertise

Understand your area of expertise and create your own niche. This will help you find out what kind of content you would like to write about and what kind of clients you would like to target.

Freelancers that can write about their expertise stand out from the crowd and can make more money.

2. Build your portfolio

Tips to Get More Clients as a Freelancer - Build your portfolio

A freelancer's portfolio is a crucial tool for them to showcase their skills and get work. A good portfolio can help you land more clients and make more money.

You can also build a blog or create a website with your portfolio

You can also build a blog or create a website with your portfolio that showcases your work and services.

3. Use social media and schedule posts

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Social media presence can help you build your brand, gain more clients, and even land bigger projects.

You should choose right social media platforms and set up them for your business. You can connect with potential clients and also attract new followers.

There are number of social media schedulers, which lets you to automate social posts with ease. Scheduling posts in advance saves time and allows you to focus on more important tasks in your business.

We have handpicked and evaluated 10 social scheduler apps where you can choose the one that best fits your purpose.

4. Showcase your work on social media

Tips to Get More Clients as a Freelancer - Showcase your work on social media

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Social media can also be a good place where you can show your talents and get more clients. If you're looking for something that pays well but doesn't take up too much time, social media could be your answer.

Try different platforms like Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook to see what works best for you.

5. Get referrals

Tips to Get More Clients as a Freelancer - Get referrals

Photo by Windows on Unsplash

This is a simple yet effective way to get more clients. Always ask for your client for referrals. They have the same network as you do and are more likely than anyone else to know someone who can hire you.

Always ask for your client for referrals

If you are just starting out, you can also jumpstart your freelancing career by asking your friends and family members for referrals.

6. Be responsive

Tips to Get More Clients as a Freelancer - Be responsive

Being responsive is important for freelancers because if they don't have time for their clients, they might lose them.

So, make sure that you're always on top of communication and respond to any queries that come in.

7. Run email marketing campaigns to get freelance work

Tips to Get More Clients as a Freelancer - Run email marketing campaigns to get freelance work

You should get comfortable with the idea of sending marketing emails and newsletters. It is an effective way of creating a connection with your audience and increasing your visibility.

Run an email campaign at least once other month

Run an email campaign at least once other month to maximize your reach.

8. Be professional with your clients

Tips to Get More Clients as a Freelancer - Be professional with your clients

Being professional with your clients will help you build an excellent reputation in the field, so that when someone else needs a freelance writer, they will refer them to you.

Only a satisfied client will help you grow your business and get more clients.

9. Keep improving your pitch

Tips to Get More Clients as a Freelancer - Keep improving your pitch

A strong pitch can help you get more clients and earn more money. It can also help you stand out from the competition by getting noticed by potential clients.

As you finish more gigs and pack on more skills, make sure to update your pitch to reflect your experience

As you finish more gigs and pack on more skills, make sure to update your pitch to reflect your experience.

10. Project yourself as an expert

Tips to Get More Clients as a Freelancer - Project yourself as an expert

Photo by Headway on Unsplash

If you can do one thing and do it best, you will be able to carve out a niche for yourself. You will offer to your clients what other freelancers can’t.

You will be able to offer your clients both quality and quantity of work.

5. Final Thoughts

Follow these practical tips and you should be able to get more clients as a freelancer.

You don't need to do all the 10 tips right away. The most important is to select first few to get started and do them well!

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