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5 Gym Social Media Post Ideas For Getting More Customers

Updated: Sep 2, 2022

Gym and Fitness Social Media Post Ideas For Getting More Customers



Social media gives any company an opportunity to put business in front of your target audience. If you’re a gym, a fitness business or a health club owner, social media marketing can be your step to leveling up.

What Are the Benefits of Using Social Media for Fitness Businesses?

Benefits of Using Social Media for Fitness Businesses

Priority number one when operating a gym, health club, or fitness studio is getting more customers and keeping them coming back. There are numerous ways to accomplish this, including traditional advertising and sponsorship campaign.

But how to promote your fitness business for free? Well, social networks are a particularly effective channel that has a number of benefits over "traditional" marketing, first and most, it is inexpensive and easy to measure. You can create a business page on any of the social sites for free. Running pages and publishing organic social media campaigns is also free.

Social media can easily make or break a business. For example, when a product goes viral and receives positive reviews, it increases positive word-of-mouth and increases sales.

How Can Fitness Businesses Market on Social Media?

Benefits of Using Social Media for Fitness Businesses - Girl at gym - Social media tool Hookle

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Design a content calendar

The first step is making and designing a content calendar. This will save hours of pain and time filling your Instagram with awesome, click-worthy fitness content.

As a fitness brand owner, you don't have to rack brains every day to find new content, or worse - not post because you were too busy or forgot.

Create a schedule

Fitness businesses should plan a week or a full month in advance, whichever plan suits your schedule. This get's even more efficient if you use a social media scheduler tool for content planning.

By brainstorming beforehand, you ensure that you always have content on the way to be published and that you don't need to interrupt your daily activities for it.

The best part is that when you create a repeatable schedule, the initial build is a one-time affair. In the future, all you must do is, just plug in your new ideas each month (or how many times you've done your reset schedule). One handy way to do this is using recurring posts provided by some of the modern scheduler tools.

Get content ideas

Social media marketing and content creation is not as complicated as you might think. If you are reading this article with a smartphone, you already have a content creating tool in your hand. There’s just one problem: many times ideas do not come easy.

So, let’s dive next into gym social media post ideas you can start using right away.

5 Ideas What to Post on Social Media


1. Share some simple workout routines

Video by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels

Fitness brands, and multiple customers at gyms, already have a daily fitness routine that they follow, so these brands can kill two birds with one stone by making fitness workouts, into fitness content that can be shared on their social media accounts.

2. Post some tips and tricks

Gym and Fitness Social Media Post Ideas - Post tips and tricks

Think about lifestyle, activities, and frequently asked questions from customers and turn them into messages. Trainers are constantly bombarded with many questions about health, routines, equipment, and general health.

Think about lifestyle, activities, and frequently asked questions from customers and turn them into messages

You should collect the most common ones, turn your answers into notes, and share them with your audience with those questions. The idea of making quick videos, but you can also use engaging text-based images, is amazing.

3. Let them know you are the expert

What to Post on Social Media for Gyms & Fitness Businesses - Let them know you are the expert

Providing expert information is a great way to provide value to audiences. It also has the added

benefit of establishing a brand as an educational resource and industry pioneer. Both help fitness brands build trust with their followers.

4. Talk about diet plans and nutrition

Gym and Fitness Social Media Post Ideas - Talk about diet plans and nutrition

Everybody loves those. You can turn your diet or nutrition programs into fitness content! Trainers and other gym employees can share their meal prep steps, their favorite healthy recipes, pictures of foods they eat regularly, and types of snacks.

Turn diet or nutrition programs into fitness content

Sometimes people have a hard time coming up with ideas for their meals. So, check out how fitness pros tackle eating on social media for inspiration.

5. Teach your customers how to use new equipment

Working out in the gym can sometimes feel like a drag. Some variation in routines, introducing a new piece of equipment or training move can help spice things up. You can use this idea to give your customers information about how they can use a piece of equipment another way or for the first time in their workout routines.

How Can Fitness Businesses Improve Their Social Media Marketing?

Have a brand style guide

When creating fitness posts brands must make sure that all the branding points back to them. You’ll want to use the same fonts, colors, layouts, and general style with all your posts to create a cohesive feel throughout the feed.

The other benefit is that when people recognize your brand, they’ll be able to identify the brand’s content even when it’s shared someplace other than your account!

Plan, schedule, and automate your posts

Using social media, fitness businesses can take their brands and community of loyal customers to the next level, but even for the most skilled managers and business owners, this can at times become overwhelming.

But scheduling platforms like Hookle make it easy to manage multiple social media platforms easily with one tool. Such tools automate your social media marketing by letting you plan and schedule posts to all platforms in one go.

Use proper hashtags #gym #fitness #workout

Hashtags are an awesome tool to use for any social media marketing campaign, including fitness. The key to taking advantage of them is knowing which ones to use and using them appropriately.

Brands should never use hashtags that aren't relevant to the posts that they are making, irrelevant hashtags can lead to the algorithm getting confused, resulting in low engagement.

Have a clear plan for shooting fitness content

If you have a fitness studio you can decide to film on days and have “shoot days”. This helps brands come up and film all their content for the rest of the week or even the rest of the month, in batches resulting, in them not worrying about not having any content to post.

Plus, it helps brands stay on track with high-quality content without the fear of forgetting to post or throwing out mediocre stuff.

"A great app, easy to use"​


Catherine R.

I schedule posts for all my social media accounts on a daily basis. Saves lots of time. The AI produces excellent content for posts, and I love the comprehensive stats.

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