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December 2021 Social Media Content Calendar for Small Businesses


Updated: Jan 26, 2022

December 2021 Social Media Holiday Content Calendar for Small Businesses with Hookle.jpg



December is just around the corner can you believe it? Time flies when you create awesome content, right?!

Get ready to say hello to snow, yule logs, and endless Christmas music on the radio! December is a great time to level up your social media content game. It’s packed full of exciting national days and holidays, serving you some great inspiration for content. It’s the best time of the year to get creative and is full of endless content opportunities for your social channels.

You must take into account other factors such as gift buying. Customers will be on social media 100% more during this time, looking for the best Christmas deals.

Although you may think social media usage is down during the holiday season due to people spending more time with friends and family, this is not always the case. You must take into account other factors such as gift buying. Customers will be on social media 100% more during this time, looking for the best Christmas deals. Ensuring your social media content is up to date will help you with engagement, awareness, and conversions!

Bookmark this page and use it to plan your social media content for the upcoming month. You can thank us later…

1. The complete list of December Calendar Content

December 1: Rosa Parks Day #roseparks #rosaparksday

December 2: Special Education Day #specialeducationday

December 3: National Bartender Day #nationalbartenderday

December 4: National Cookie Day #nationalcookieday

December 5: Bathtub Party Day #bathtubpartday

December 6: Finland's Independence Day #finnishindependenceday #independenceday

December 7: National Cotton Candy Day #nationalcottoncandyday

December 8: National Brownie Day #nationalbrownieday

December 9: Christmas Card Day #christmascardday

December 10: Human Rights Day #nationalhumanrightsday #humanrightsday

December 11: National App Day #nationalappday

December 12: Gingerbread House Day #gingerbreadhouseday

December 13: National Violine Day #nationalviolineday

December 14: National Alabama Day #nationalalbamaday #albama

December 15: National Cupcake Day #nationalcupcakeday #cupcakeday2021

December 17: National Maple Syrup Day #maplesyrupday #maplesyrup

December 18: National Roast Suckling Pig Day #roastsucklingpigday

December 19: National Hard Candy Day #nationalhardcandyday

December 20: National Sangria Day #nationalsangriaday #sangriaday

December 21: Day of Winter Solstice #wintersolstice #dayofwintersolstice

December 22: Forefathers Day #forefathersday

December 23: National Re-Gifting Day #nationalregiftingday #regiftingday

December 24: Christmas Eve #christmaseve #happychristmaseve

December 25: Christmas Day #christmasday #merrychristmas

December 26: Boxing Day #boxingday

December 27: National Fruitcake Day #fruitcakeday #nationalfruitcakeday

December 28: National Short Film Day #shortfilmday

December 29: National Pepper Pot Day #nationalpepperpotday

December 30: Bacon Day #nationalbaconday #baconday

December 31: National Champagne Day #nationalchampagneday #champagneday

2. Commonly Recognized Holidays

Nationally Recognized Holidays-Merry-Christmas-2021

December 24: Christmas Eve

December 25: Christmas Day

December 26: Boxing Day

December 31: New Years’ Eve

3. Health-Focused National Holidays

Health-Focused National Holidays-Worlds-Health-Day-December-1st

December 1: World AIDS Day

December 6: National Influenza Vaccination Week

December 12: Universal Health Coverage Day

4. Food and Beverage National Holidays

Food and Beverage National Holidays - National Candy Cane Day

Photo by Foodimentary

December 2: National Fritters Day

December 3: National Green Bean Casserole Day

December 4: National Cookie Day

December 6: National Gazpacho Day

December 7: National Cotton Candy Day

December 8: National Brownie Day

December 10: National Lager Day

December 18: Bake Cookies Day

December 20: National Sangria Day

December 26: National Candy Cane Day

5. Animal National Holidays

Animal National Holidays-Happy Lama Day December 9th

December 2: National Mutt Day

December 4: International Cheetah Day

December 9: National Llama Day

December 10: International Animal Rights Day

December 13: National Horse Day

6. Arts and Entertainment National Holidays

Arts and Entertainment National Holidays- Happy Walt Disney Day

December 4: National Dice Day

December 6: Walt Disney Day

December 9: Techno Day

December 11: National App Day

December 13: National Violin Day

December 20: Go Caroling Day

December 27: Make Cut-Out Snowflakes Day

7. Top Tips For Planning Your Calendar

Social media assistant in your pocket - Hookle

Social media assistant in your pocket - Hookle

December can be a busy time for business owners and entrepreneurs and there’s nothing wrong with a little extra help. With so much planning and scheduling needed during this busy time, it’s always a good idea to keep on top of posting.

We recommend using social media scheduling tools such as Hookle to make things flow a bit more smoothly.

We recommend using social media scheduling tools such as Hookle to make things flow a bit more smoothly. Hookle is easily adaptable and super easy to use and you can plan, and schedule posts to multiple social media channels using a monthly calendar view. Using tools like Hookle can help you plan and schedule your content for the entire month, allowing you to sit back, pop the bubbly and enjoy the Christmas season!

"A great app, easy to use"​


Catherine R.

I schedule posts for all my social media accounts on a daily basis. Saves lots of time. The AI produces excellent content for posts, and I love the comprehensive stats.

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Boost your social media marketing effortlessly and affordably with Hookle

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